Monday, June 23, 2008

The New Plan - Part 6 of 6: Listen

Series: The New Plan
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

I believe this part will pretty much take care of itself if the other aspects are in place. When you're at peace trusting God, resting in Him, waiting and walking, you will hear His voice.

John 10:27 (NASB)
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;"

As I mentioned before, all steps need to be bathed in prayer. It's a vital part of it all and can be the the start to each part and all parts together.

Much of the actions and benefits of my implementing the new plan aren't measurable. A few things I've done...

- made my time w/ God a higher priority
- put the videos online for people to watch for free
- spend less time "running the business" (marketing, emailing, strategiaing, etc.)
- spend more time writing, animating, etc.

Noticeable differences to me...

- more peaceful
- enjoy the work more
- more productive
- more traffic and sales on the site
- more contact by others for partnerships and licensing opportunities
- more contentment in where things are and where they will go
- less worry/stress about what will happen and what I need to be doing
- more confidence that I'm "in His will" and being obedient to what I'm called to do
- more fun!

These posts are not meant to be a complete and thorough investigation and study into these topics, but more of one perspective into what I'm thinking and feeling about these areas. I believe the 5 areas (Trust, Rest, Wait, Walk and Listen) build on one another, but that wasn't planned at all - that's just the way the 5 areas were revealed to me as I wrote a line in a letter.

To boil it all down, it's all about your relationship with God. Make Him first and base all of your contentment on Him. He won't let you down. The creator of the universe is big enough to be the center of yours.

Focus on Him and you'll find that you can be content by just your relationship w/ Him. The results of your efforts won't be important, but your obedience will be. You won't strive to just be doing things or trying to please Him b/c you'll realize you need to be obedient in what He's called you to. You'll thrive on your walk with Him; your time w/ Him. That spiritual food will call you back and be what satisfies you most. And He'll speak to you when you're ready for Him to use you.

God bless you all!

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