Monday, June 09, 2008

Industry Giants - Part 1- Intro and Rita Street

I went to the Industry Giants ( conference this weekend and was able to see a side of the industry I hadn't spent much time with: feature film production.

I went to various sessions on effects, animation, pitching, etc. I'll post about the various sessions here starting with the session with Rita Street on pitching.

Rita Street ( spoke on Friday morning about pitching your animated concept. She spoke a lot on the perspective of the industry and the various changes going on now. It seems some key things are a move away from the Flash style of animation and a move toward teenage characters (led by "High School Musical" and "Hannah Montana" - the "Halls and Malls" idea - school halls and shopping malls: that's where kids "live" so relate to that).

Some key suggestions she had were...

1. Watch (at least) one cartoon a day. This helps see what's going on and keeps creativity flowing.

2. Have lots of ideas - you never know when an idea will meet what the industry is looking for or when you'll need another idea in a meeting for some other concept.

3. Determine good inspiration for your work

4. Learn how children think, react, learn, etc. ( - parenting link - list of cognitive resources)

Other good resources: Kidscreen and Cynopsis (enewsletter).

She also spoke a lot on pitching. Some highlights...

1. Pitch the hero
2. Non-episodic
3. Develop the hero (write their journal, etc.)
4. Have character quirks
5. Describe characters in "Like the time..."
6. Make your movie poster.
7. Have a very tight log line.
8. Show, don't tell - big pics, few words

For the pitch itself...

1. Have fun
2. It's ok to say you're nervous
3. Goal: get a second meeting
4. Explain, don't read
5. Take criticism well

And while a lot of take centered around seeing where the industry is and where's it's going, she had a great piece of inspiration from Carl Banks and about how they didn't make their comic books for kids, but for themselves. It's great to have the best of both worlds - enjoy it!

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