Friday, December 28, 2007

Booples on Cross-Eyed Reviews

Booples! - Childrens Bible Songs DVDs free clips online

Booples! gets 5 out of 5 on Cross-Eyed Reviews!

And is awarded their "Seal of Approval"


Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Animation Podcast

The Animation Podcast

Badge 200x75

Great animation podcast of interviews w/ big names in animation.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Laughs Will Go On...: Booples!

A review of Booples! on another site...

The Laughs Will Go On...: Booples!: "Once again, it had great lessons - like forgiveness, or God's faithfulness and each episode has a fun song at the end of it. Of course Tate had fun doing new dance moves to the songs (haha!) and I had fun watching both the DVD and him!"

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Boople fans are geniuses!

I ran my blogs through this analysis site and one got 'elementary' and another got 'high school', but my Booples blog got 'genius'!

It just goes to show how smart Booples fans are...

cash advance

Friday, November 09, 2007

Books for Moms: Booples - DVD for Kids

Books for Moms: Booples - DVD for Kids: "I kid you not, before the second story ended, I could hear her singing along with the Bible verse song, and my heart melted."

Read the full review here

The new Booples DVD, "Booples 2: Yikity Blar!" has been released by and is available from their website!

"The new Booples DVD, 'Booples 2: Yikity Blar!' has been released by and is available from their website! "

press release

Booples video "Jonah and the Tarshish Fish" wins at Seguin!

Booples video "Jonah and the Tarshish Fish" wins at Seguin!

(I-Newswire) - For the second year, has submitted a video to the Seguin Film and Arts Festival ( ). This year not only did the video "Jonah and the Tarshish Fish" win best animation, but also fourth place overall!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Booples are available for downloadable sale at!

Check out the site to view videos, see descriptions, reviews, etc. of Booples videos and other videos and countdowns.

"The goal of spice info is to provide information
pertaining to who we are as a company, our
philosophy, and other information that we
hope you'll find helpful and useful."

It's a great source for videos for sermons, countdowns, Sunday school, etc. Check it out!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New Booples Affiliate program...

You can copy and paste text from the Booples site into your website or blog and you're selling Booples products! takes care of payment, processing, shipping, etc. You just email in your contact info and URL. Click here for details

The items look like this:

You can add your own comments around it using text from the site, your thoughts, quotes from other reviews, etc.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Booples Bible Verse Songs CD!

The Booples Bible Verse Songs CD has been released!

The Booples songs CD includes all the Booples songs from the first 2 DVDs each containing a Bible verse in the song...

* "Not Curly, But Straight"- Proverbs 3:5-6
* "Love One Another" - John 13:34-35
* "Treasure In Heaven" - Matthew 6:20-21
* "Forgive Each Other" - Ephesians 4:32
* "Don't Want to go to Tarshish" - Luke 11:28
* "David Rocked Goliath" - 1 Corinthians 1:25
* "For All to See" - Psalm 33:4
* BONUS TRACK: "Look Around" - John 1:12 - Not Previously Released!

Also available for download at and iTunes.

Booples named #6 on's "Top 10 Christian DVD and Video Series for Children"

Friday, September 07, 2007

"Booples 2: Yikity Blar!" DVD Released!!!

The second Booples DVD: "Booples 2: Yikity Blar!" has been released!!!

You can view clips at

The Booples site has be redesigned as well as the clothing and other merchandise.

"Yikity Blar!" is also available to buy at There's even a combo deal of the 2 DVDs.

"Booples 2: Yikity Blar!" contains...

* "Forgive Each Other" (Ephesians 4:32)
* "Jonah and the Tarshish Fish" (Luke 11:28)
* "David Rocked Goliath" (1 Corinthians 1:25)
* "God is Faithful" (Psalm 33:4)
* Plus all 4 song videos from the episodes!
* And a Booples! short: "Fruit of the Spirit"

Each episode uses a Bible verse to teach a lesson from God's word to the Booples and the viewer. The episode's song includes the verse to help apply the message. The songs are catchy and help children remember the lesson and recall the verse!

The DVD also includes the song portion of each episode as separate titles!

Approximate runtime: 45 mins

Closed Caption and English Subtitles

Check it out here!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Anne Hoag's blog mention of Booples

Check out Anne Hoag's mention of Booples in her media blog.

She's doing a research paper on media entrepreneurship and interviewed me about Booples a few weeks ago.

I've seen an early version of the paper and it looks very good, very impressive.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Yikity Blar!

The second Booples DVD, "Booples! 2 Yikity Blar!", is done and off to the duplicators!

I intend to update the website soon to get ready for it and send out announcements, press releases, review copies, etc.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Booples - "God is Faithful"


Another Booples video is posted at - "God is Faithful"

In the story, Doodle Boople wonders where rainbows come from and what they mean. Bah explains they are God's promise to not flood the earth again and that God is always faithful to His promises:

Psalm 33:4
"For the word of the LORD is right and true;
He is faithful in all He does."

Check it out here and send any thoughts you have (comment below or here)!

Friday, July 20, 2007

You got somethin' to say?

I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the Booples videos. Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see. What do you like about Booples and what would else would you like to see?


Go here to send your thoughts.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Booples - "David Rocked Goliath"

There's a new Booples video just completed: "David Rocked Goliath"

Tootle wants to be a super hero so she can be used by God. Poodle and Doodle explain that God can use anyone and often does things in ways you wouldn't expect like send a baby (Jesus) to save the world and defeat a giant with a shepard boy (David).

The verse for this episode is 1 Corinthians 1:25:
"For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom,
and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength."

So we can all remember when we're feeling too small for God to use that "David Rocked Goliath".

See the song video and episode preview at

The video should soon be available for purchase to download from

And on DVD in the next few months!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Next Booples Episode in the Works!

I'm currently working on the next Booples video titled "David Rocked Goliath"!

The story will be based around the Booples learning how God can use anyone no matter how "small." He used David even though he was just a shepard boy and even saved the world through a baby: Jesus.

The song is one of the best yet!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Recent News: new TV showings

TBN's Smile of a Child now show's Booples weekly at 3:30pm Central on Tuesdays! If you don't get that channel, you can watch online.

Also, I just shipped out DVDs to CGN TV for them to subtitle Booples in Korean and show on their channel around the world.

Hopefully I'll finish a couple more episodes soon and come out w/ another DVD. I've been really busy w/ promotion, film festivals, etc. that I haven't had enough time to actually make the content! :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

NEW Booples episode, "Forgive Each Other"

Check out the new Booples episode, "Forgive Each Other" at - children's Bible songs videos

Let me know what you think! - children's Bible song videos - 'Forgive Each Other'

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

"Me, Myself, & Bob" - my thoughts

"Me, Myself, & Bob" - my thoughts

As cheesy as this sounds, few books "speak to me" like this book did. It hit so many of the "big" notes with me: animation, tech-process, God-centered thinking in our efforts, what's really important, humor and more.

That being the case, the fact that it's a great book on top of that makes it all the more appealing to me.

Phil Vischer wrote this book after blogging ( and publicly speaking on this topic numerous times and being asked to write a book. I can only believe that through those efforts, the story became focused, clear and very well thought out.

He starts off early in making a couple of points that reminded me of parts of his blog I had read: his great-grandfather's riding the tide of radio (much likeVeggieTales' ride on the direct-to-video market) and his father's hot air balloon mishap when he staged a publicity stunt instead of going to church (possibly likePhil's losing focus with VeggieTales' success). Phil doesn't make the connection in the book himself, so I may be off there... or maybe that's a "spoiler."

The book is inspiring to say the least. However, it takes the reader in many directions before the final thoughts that are not only powerful, but ring extremely true. Especially given the journey the author has just taken you on through the books' telling of the "rise and fall of VeggieTales."

The day after reading the book I started reading it again. I wanted to experience it all again! I mostly scanned through much of the book; it still being fresh in my mind. But I slowed down for the last several chapters to soak up his revelations and realizations. So great!

It is a somewhat sad story of struggle and sacrifice but with great success in many ways. Of course, that success ends painfully for many including Phil. The growth in him is clear from the great introspection and clear change of heart.

Rarely will you see a book about such a topic with such honestly, humility and great sharing of heartfelt lessons learned.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who has a ministry... which really is all of us. I think it has a great message about how what we do isn't really the point. I believe God can do whatever He wants however He wants and the fact that He uses us to do many things is more for us than anything else.

He uses us to witness to others not to help Him out, but to grow us. The "work" we do isn't for Him, it's by Him... for us. We need to just be obedient to what He tells us to do. Let Him worry about the results.

There's so many parts of the book about growing VeggieTales and the sacrifices and struggles, then it's height and fall and, very powerfully, the lessons learned byPhil, that I can't think to try to describe it all, but encourage you to read and experience it yourself.

Phil's latest: JellyFishLand

Personal notes...

I wanted to separate my thoughts on the book above from my "application" here so you can stop reading if you're just interested in the book.

I created The Booples after a long love of animation and film/video but with no specific direction. A friend mentioned her son repeats all the songs in the videos he watches and I thought "Then the words should be Bible verses."

In my spare time, I created the first three episodes. I specifically only worked on it when I wanted to (and had time) and intentionally resisted it at times to make sure I didn't become too goal oriented to "just get it done." I also intentionally used 2D graphics and avoid to much "flash" in the episodes to focus on content over delivery.

It worked and it took me about a year to finish those three episodes though I'd say they each took me relatively little time if you added it all up.

Since then it seems I've spent most of my time marketing and promoting the DVD/videos and The Booples in general. You can read about various highlights here: Booples news

I started working on songs for the second DVD and while waiting for my music master,Pete Buchwald, to record them I thought I'd work on some stories without songs. I picked Jonah, Noah and David & Goliath.

After several people asked what the song would be like I knew they had to have songs and I talked to Pete about those. Then I started looking at schedules, film festival deadlines, thinking about a Spring release and Summer release of the next three episodes, a Christmas and Easter special DVD, etc.

I certainly was still enjoying doing it, but was putting more pressure on myself.

Then I read this book. It's going to change... it already has. With in a few hours, I had several new ideas for directions, stories, songs, etc. It reminded me of the part of the book where Phil says "Oh... is this how it's going to work now?"

When I started The Booples, I had never seen a VeggieTales episode. I think I heard a song once several years ago and it was funny. I intentionally didn't watch any when starting The Booples because I didn't want to be influenced by them too much.

That being said, I'd very much like to watch some now having read about Phil's journey and expect to borrow some from various friends that I know have some.

I have many more thoughts on the book including many similarities I can identify withPhil on including my parents' divorce, my thoughts on how entertainment has been overtaken by non-believers and Christian's often abdicating it to them, an early fascination and involvement with computers and computer related animation/graphics, and a love of Saturday morning cartoons (Saturday morning did and still has a feeling of a 'weekly holiday' to me - "Cartoon Day" as I called it literally... Thursday, Friday, Cartoonday), etc.

Two things that are hitting me hard today from the book are the C.S. Lewis quote: "He who has God plus many things has nothing more than he who has God alone." Yow. I can't add to that.

And one of his big points near the end. I don't want to quote it and spoil things more than I already have, but the basic idea is it's our responsibility to be obedient, not to make sure the outcome is one thing or another.

Everything is well.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jonah episode name!

The next Booples episode is the story of Jonah and is named "Jonah and the Tarshish Fish." It has been completed and will soon be on for downloadable purchase (if you don't see anything from that link, you might need a plug-in - go to here to find out).

I'll try to post a still from the episode soon.

The next episode will be Noah!