Monday, March 17, 2008

NRB Convention highlights

The NRB convention was too big and great to sum up, but I also don't want to overwhelm anyone w/ a sea of words. So here's the highlights...

- Got in free thanks to Kirk Longhofer
- Met Phil Vischer the first day (pic on left)
- Met several other great people
- Heard Michael W. Smith play
- Met George and Daniel Temple from
- Went to Phil Vischer's session on his upcoming Jelly Telly and got to hang out w/ him some more
- Heard Mark Zoradi and Glen Keane from Disney speak
- Met countless great people on the expo floor who were all very encouraging and inspiring especially Maralee Dawn (pic below)

I hope to follow up on the contacts I made at the expo and look forward to some great opportunities to partner w/ people for broadcast, production, distribution, etc. It was great to be in that environment w/ so many people who share a heart for ministry through media!

Praise God!

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